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iOS Articles and Content by Andy Lawler.

About Me

Hi, my name is Andy. Welcome to my blog. Here you will find articles on everything iOS. Whether that's conferences i've attended or just cool things i've found in my time working on iOS apps.

In terms of my career, I started my iOS journey in University when i first used a Mac in one of our tech labs. Ever since then, I was hooked! I built my first app using Storyboard, looking back, it was a terrible app but I loved it. Being a broke student, I instantly begged my parents to buy me a MacBook so that I could work on my iOS module and really learn more. Luckily, my mum being the amazing person she is somehow found a way to get me the MacBook and the rest was history.

In between part-time work and endless University assignments I was spending all of my time learning more and more about iOS development. I even spent all of my money at Christmas one year on Sean Allen's GitHub Followers course. I didn't stop there, I carried on learning more and more. I even secured an internship at a local company to learn more about development in a professional environment.

After around a year of learning I decided I was ready to release my first app on the app store. In retrospect, i was definitely not ready but I still went ahead with the plan. This was just after the release of SwiftUI and against everyones better judgement I decided to write and release TaskList (A SwiftUI Todo app) onto the app store. This was a pretty crazy experience for me, seeing something i'd wrote on the store was just crazy to me.

After this I got another internship and did my University placement year at a company called Jigsaw. I worked as a QA & iOS Developer, learning more and more for another year, seeing code i'd worked on released in America. After this I went back to University and finished my degree in Computer Science. After finishing I joined Sky Betting and Gaming as a Mid Level iOS Engineer to work on the SkyBet app.

Here I am now. 3 years on from my first experience touching Xcode, one app on the store, many blogs posted on other platforms, production code in apps on the store and also experience talking at local meetups.

I'm hoping to use this blog to further my writing and hopefully be more and more involved in the iOS community for years to come.
